Emotions in business

Learn how to deal with positive and negative emotions in business situations.

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The players discuss the different situations and name the emotions and possible reasons for them. Suggested questions:

  • How does this character feel?
  • What is happening?
  • Why does this person reacts that way?

The players tell about their own experiences and how they reacted in these situations. 


Now explore the emotions and situations more in depth. Suggested questions:

  • Are there other possible reactions?
  • Can you think of a situation where you reacted this way?
  • Under which circumstances would you react this way?
  • What impact can this reaction have on other people?
  • What do you think about the reaction of the characters?
  • Does the reaction have a consequence on the business? 

Información extra del juego

On the game board, you can see four illustrations about emotions related to business situations.

  • Happy: the vendor is happy because of the many customers at his stall
  • Sad: the shop owner is sad when he looks at the long queues of his competitors due to their low competitive prices
  • Angry: reaction of vendor on theft of a bunch of bananas from his stall
  • Scared: the vendor looks afraid as an unsatisfied customer returns to angrily complain about a faulty purchase


  • Emotion masks: two players act out a situation by using masks. The other players need to guess the situation.
  • Link to anger-management techniques and exercises.
  • Link to Speed's Choice Storyboard (BUSINESS A6): which character feels which emotions and under which circumstances?

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Recognise different emotions and name them.
  • Learn to put oneself in the position of another (empathy) or see things from their perspective (theory of mind).

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