Culture and Religion

Talk about culture and religion with this creative discussion game.

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Hold a conversation about the panel. Suggested questions:

  • Who are you on this panel and why? Who would you like to be?
  • Who are your friends and why? Would you like to get to know other characters on the panel? Would you like to know how they think and what they do?

More suggested questions:

  • Who have you seen before? Where?
  • Which elements do you recognise? Which person on the panel can relate to these elements and what do they mean?
  • What different races and cultures can you see on this panel? Which elements and rituals belong to a specific culture or religion and what do they mean?
  • How do you think the interior of the different buildings look like?
  • Which are the similarities and the differences between two people as you observe them on the panel (appearance, clothes, interests, emotions, …)? 


Use in combination with the World Map (GEOGRAPHY A1). The players indicate where the persons on the panel could possibly live on the map of the world. 

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Reflect on the existence of different races and cultures.
  • Acquire respect for and tolerance of other foreign cultures. 

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

Vicky Konstantinidou

Project Coordinator Ladies Union of Drama GR

22 agosto, 2019


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