On our way to the circus

Find out more about the circus and stimulate your expression, writing, playing and listening skills with this creative board game for young children.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Since the game is specifically designed for young children, it is recommended to explore the panel first. You can do this by asking different kinds of questions such as:

  • How many animals do you count?
  • Which animals do you see?
  • Do all the people look the same?
  • Which colours can you identify?

All the players choose a character by putting a bottle cap on the lion, the horse, the elephant or the monkey.


Player one throws the dice (between one and three) and moves the number of spaces forward as indicated by the dice.


If the player lands on one of the four special symbols, he needs to do the corresponding task.


Repeat with the next player


The player who first reaches the circus is the winner.

Información extra del juego

On the panel, you can see five special symbols:

  1. Crayon: Draw your animal or draw an activity you can see near the circus.
  2. Musical note: Make the sound of your animal or choose a character from the circus and make the typical sound of that character. The other players have to guess which animal is making the sound.
  3. Animal: Play your animal or choose a character from the circus and play it. The other players have to guess the character.
  4. Jumping child: Jump 10 times in the air.
  5. Talking smiley: Talk about a visit to the circus or talk about what you would like to do in the circus.


Find other activities for the four special symbols. For example:

  • Playing circus techniques (joggling, acrobatics, clown …)
  • Build a human pyramid
  • Organise a small circus act
  • Think of a name for a new circus

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Learn to respect rules and take turns.
  • Enhance storytelling and expression abilities.

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