The Big Wind Blows

An energizer for a group to get to know each other in a fun and playful way.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • chairs

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Have the groups sit in a circle, on a chair. The centre of the circle should be empty. There should be one less chair or seat in the circle than people playing the game.


The facilitator stands in the middle of the circle and explains the game: The person in the middle says, "The big wind blows for ..." and finishes the sentence by saying something true about themselves. For example, "The big wind blows for everyone who has a sister".


Once the person in the middle has made their statement, everyone in the circle who identifies themselves must get out of their chair and find a new one. They should move up more than one chair from where they are sitting.


The person in the middle also tries to find a new chair. The person who ends up in the middle continues the game by saying, "The big wind blows for ...".


The game ends when most people in the group have had a chance to sit in the middle or until the facilitator calls time.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

  • Sometimes the person in the middle is given the opportunity to say "Hurricane" instead of making a statement. If the person in the middle does this, everyone must stand up and find a new place to sit down.
  • For players with physical mobility, the option can be offered to let them stand up, turn around and sit in the same seat again instead of letting them change seats.

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