Building A City

Build your own city.

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anglaisCeci est le texte d'origine en anglais. Retournez à la traduction du/de l' français.

Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • City of Rights
  • A large, flat surface such as a table or the floor
  • Building blocks such as LEGO or wooden blocks
  • Small toy cars and people figures (optional)
  • Paper and pens or pencils for planning and designing the city (optional)

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather some players in front of the ‘City of Rights’-poster.


Discuss with them what they see on the poster. Which buildings? Where are the main characters?


Ask the players to tell what their city would look like. You can ask older players to make a sketch of their city first before they start building.


The players start building their own city with blocks. As a youth worker, go around and ask supervisors questions (see additional game information for some examples).


As the city grows, players can add toy cars and people figures to bring the city to life.


The game continues until the city is complete and all players agree that there is no more space or blocks left to add.


Players can then admire their completed city and visit the city of others.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

  • Players can also add details to the city by drawing up plans or designs on paper to guide the building process.
  • As a youth worker, ask supervisors questions: What are you building? Where can I go and play with my friends? I have the right to education… where can I go for this? When I am sick, I have a right to see a doctor. Can I find these in your city?


  • Players can be assigned specific areas or buildings to create, such as a park or a skyscraper, to ensure that the city is diverse and balanced.
  • Players can work together to plan the city, assigning different roles and responsibilities to each person, such as designing the roads or building the residential areas.
  • The game can be made more challenging by setting specific goals or challenges, such as creating a certain number of buildings in a certain time frame or building a sustainable city using environmentally-friendly materials.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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