The sports alphabet

Small sports challenges for children, with the letters of the alphabet

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


An adult recites the alphabet in his head and the children have to say “stop”. When the adult speaks the letter, we look at which sporting challenge corresponds to which letter. The children should then run as quickly as possible.


Here are the challenges corresponding to each letter:

A: Flap your wings to fly away

B: Take 5 giant steps

C: Jump with both feet

D: Step forward

E: Hold on one leg for 10 seconds

F: Touch your feet with your hands without bending your knees

G: Do 5 push-ups

H: Breathe in for 5 seconds and breathe out for 8 seconds

I: Crawl on all fours making the sound of your favourite animal

J: Hopping around someone or something

K: Do a curtsy as if you were greeting an audience

L: One foot after the other


M: Imitate the monkey

N: Crawl like a snake

O: Do a somersault forward

P: Do a somersault back

Q: On-site lessons

R: Twist on yourself

S: Jump like a frog

T: Go backwards without looking behind you

U: Go forward with your eyes closed

V: Take chased steps

W: Move your ass

X: Lie on the ground and get up without the help of your arms

Y: Make your best face

Z: Go from one end of the room to the other as fast as possible

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