Compliments & Talents: Journey of Kindness

Foster a positive environment where you can practice giving and receiving compliments, enhancing your self-esteem and your social skills.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Place the Compliments & Talents Poster in the centre of the group.


Explain the objective of the game which is to work together as a group and to collect the necessary icons (hearts, suns, mirrors, flowers and stars) by giving and receiving compliments. Ensure everyone understands the importance of kindness and cooperation.


Each player chooses a bottle cap or pawn and places it on the talent (= images accompanied by a star) they believe they are best at.


Review the symbols and their corresponding exercises with the players (see additional game information).


The players take turns rolling the dice and move their pawns accordingly. The direction of movement on the board starts clockwise.


When a player lands on a square with a symbol, they must complete the corresponding exercise. If the exercise is not completed successfully or positively, the group loses a point (one of the gained icons).


The game ends when the group has collected 5 suns, 5 hearts, 5 flowers, 5 mirrors, and 5 talents. Alternatively, the group can decide in advance on (the number of) specific icons or categories they want to collect.


After the game, facilitate a discussion about the experience. Ask questions such as:

  • How did it feel to give and receive compliments?
  • Did you learn anything new about your peers?
  • How can you apply what you’ve learned in your daily life?

Extra game information

On the poster, you can find a variety of symbols.

  • Sun (5 times): If you land on this square, the whole group compliments you.
  • Hearts (5 times): If you land on this square, you should give a compliment of your choice to another player.
  • Mirrors (5 times): If you land on this square, you should give a compliment to yourself. Categories can include character, looks, current actions, or moments of pride.
  • Flowers (5 times): If you land on this square, you should discuss a talent you want to grow in or what talent you want your team to grow in.
  • Talents with small stars (20 different ones): If you land on this square, you should decide which person of the group corresponds with the depicted talent. Depicted talents are (starting top left and following the path): Smart, collaboration, fantasy, being happy, handy, supportive, creative, adventurous, making choices, having many ideas, sporty, musical, energetic, calm, planning, spoiling others, social, mood lifter.

There are also special squares:

  • Tornado (4 times) - Switch to another tornado on the game board.
  • Reverse (3 times) – Switch direction. When you switch direction, this applies to all players in the group, meaning the next player immediately changes direction.
  • Dice (3 times) – Throw again.
  • Joker (4 times) - Use as a sun, heart, mirror, flower or talent. Your choice.

Trauma-informed considerations:

  • Create a safe and supportive environment where children feel comfortable sharing.
  • Allow children to pass if they feel uncomfortable with any exercise.
  • Emphasize the importance of sincerity and kindness in all interactions.

The following games can also be played with this educational poster:

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


For younger children, you can explore the poster by scanning the different elements:

  • How many colours do you see in the poster? Which?
  • Which symbols do you see? e.g. a heart, children, ...
  • What is the number of each?
  • Choose a drawing from the board and create your own story

Add an extra rule to make it more difficult: if another player lands on your ‘starting’ talent, they cannot choose you again and have to look for another player who matches this talent.

Specific learning objectives

  • Develop the ability to give and receive compliments
  • Enhance self-awareness and appreciation of others’ strengths
  • Promote a growth mindset and self-improvement

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