My Support Team: Who's part of your support team?

Identify and reflect the important people in your life and bring them together in your personal support network.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Gather a group of players for the Support Team poster. Explain that we are going to think about which individuals are part of their personal support network and why.


Have the players explore the game board, identify the different categories of people depicted and relate them to their own lives.


At the bottom of the poster, 10 chairs are depicted. Ask the players to think about 10 people who support them in their daily lives. Give them some time to write down or draw these people.


Ask who would like to share with the group what they wrote down in their support network and why.


Now you can use the four corners of the poster. These symbols can help deepen and differentiate the players' support network and help the players think about what these people mean to them. Focus on one of the persons in their support network or ask the questions in general and let them think about which persons in their support network answer this question best. Choose, or let the players choose which corner to start with and ask the following questions:

  • Compass (heart, body, mind, social): Discuss whether the supportive person benefits their heart, body, mind or social life and why. Ask players to share stories about how these persons provide support.
  • Stopwatch (rarely, sometimes, often): Discuss how often they see or interact with each supportive person.
  • Life domains (education, leisure, finance, health, housing): Explore which life domains positively affect these support persons and how.
  • Type of contact (face-to-face, telephone, internet): Discuss how they communicate with these supporters and the nature of their interactions.

The game ends when all players have written down their support network and/or when the four corners of the poster have been discussed. Close the game by emphasising the importance of recognising and valuing your support network. Remind players that these individuals are their resources when they need help or guidance.

Extra game information

Around the main characters of the toolkit (in the centre of the poster) you will find a broad spectrum of potential people who could be part of your support network. The people are divided into the following categories: elderly (grandparents), adults (parents), teenagers, famous people, children, professions, pets/animals. By understanding the role of these supporters, players can better appreciate and leverage their relationships.

The following games can also be played with this educational poster:

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


  • Apply the activity to one of the toolkit’s main characters (in the centre of the poster) to make it less personal and easier for the players to engage.
  • Depending on the group’s needs, focus solely on one of the poster’s corners to tailor the discussion to specific learning goals.

Specific learning objectives

Learn to identify and articulate (the significance of) their support network.

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