The 'piu-piu' game

The 'piu-piu' game is a blindfolded experience game where the chicks have to find the mother chicken.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Blindfolds

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Blindfold the group.


Give everyone one tap except one participant. He receives two taps and is the mother chicken.


The mother chicken can take the blindfold off and can choose a permanent place in the room. This place is the nest.


The chicks are instructed to find the mother hen blindfolded. They do this by walking around the room.

When a player bumps into someone, he obviously does not know whether it is a chick or a mother chicken. You therefore ask as a chick "piu-piu?". If the other person answers with "piu-piu", you know that it is also a chick. If you don't get an answer, it's the mother chicken.


When you have found the mother chicken, you can stay in the nest, take off your blindfold and look at the other chickens amusedly.

When all the chicks have found the mother, the game is over.

Some rules:

  1. During the game is quiet, you can only hear "piu-piu".
  2. When you find the mother chicken, you remain silent. So you don't say "yes, I found them".

Extra game information

The clothing gives an extra dimension to the game. So start with an introduction about 'sweet, pathetic, downy chicks that have lost their mother'.

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