Ocean - Drawing

Use your creativity to create an underwater world with this fill out panel about nature and geography.

1 valoraciones y comentarios

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


The player explores the game board and talks about what he sees. 


The player thinks about other things that could happen in the ocean or on the land/in the air and draws his ideas on the blackboard or on a piece of paper next to the game board. 


The player explains his drawings and reflects on them.

Información extra del juego

The game board represents marine life, including a representation of the food chain. You can see a man fishing, birds looking for fish to catch and big fishes eating small ones. 


  • One player tells a story about marine life. In the meantime, another player draws what he is saying.
  • The player completes the panel
  • Talk about pollution and the influence of mankind on nature with the players, by using the objects in the water (syringe, bottles,...) as a starting point.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Obtain a notion of the food chain.
  • Stimulate creative expression. 

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

Arnoud Raskin

Social Entrepreneur StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

30 agosto, 2019


I really like this game!

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