Stars Game

A fun game to talk about different kind of role models.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Divide the group into four different teams. One player of the group will come towards the game board. The other players can’t look at the disk.


Spin the disk. The arrow will land on one of the six above mentioned categories of role models (for example: superheroes).


Spin the disk a second to determine one of the four tasks you need to do (for example: drawing).


The player draws a superhero (for example: Spiderman). If his team members can guess the correct answer, the team gets one point.


The game ends when a team has completed all of the four tasks at least once.

Información extra del juego

The Stars panel consists of a rotation disc with 6 different categories:

  1. Singer/artists/musicians
  2. Historical figures
  3. Sports personalities
  4. Friends and family
  5. Superheroes
  6. Wildcard (choose any role model you like)

On the 4 sides of the panel one can find 4 different tasks:

  1. Drawing
  2. Roleplay
  3. Describe
  4. Give the first letter


  • There are many different ways to end the game. You can play the game till all the different categories are covered, or till all the tasks were covered (by one team).
  • Combine the game with the Characteristics Panel SOCIETY B5b in order to start up a discussion about the different characteristics of your role models.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

Reflect on positive and negative aspects of all-day influencers.

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