Camera catchers: Opening a discussion

Use the poster 'Camera Catchers' to start a conversation/discussion with relevant duty-bearers within your network on the right to protection.

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Paso 1

Make a colour dice

Swap the numbers on your dice with the colours red, green, yellow, blue, purple and white, for example using stickers.

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The poster on the right to protection can be used when working with duty-bearers to make them aware of all kinds of violations of the right to protection. This can initiate a discussion on how they can help children in these specific situations, to whom they can refer these children and what barriers may arise.


Have duty bearers choose a specific character by rolling the colour dice.


Have them point out one specific situation of this character.


Ask them an opening question to start a conversation/discussion. See ‘Additional game information’ for some example opening questions.

Información extra del juego

Each colour on the dice corresponds to a character. If a child rolls the colour white, they get to choose which character they want to be.

• Blue: Anna

• Purple: Frederick

• Green: Julia

• Red: Ibrahim

• Yellow: Priya

More information about our characters can be found on the poster 'The stories of our five characters' or via

Opening questions
  • How would you specifically help the children in these situations? What role do you play in this situation?
  • Which other duty-bearers would you contact/refer the child to in this situation? 
  • What different agencies or organisations should you work with to fulfil this protection need?
  • At what point should you refer a child to a support organisation?

The 'Camera Catchers' poster is the overview poster for the right to protection. The poster zooms in on the protection aspect present in the stories of the five main characters of the toolkit. The panel is designed as a security room, where security cameras allow you to look at the stories with a 'right to protection'-lens. On the left top side of the panel, all the separate rights linked to the right to protection are listed. The QR code on the right-hand side of the panel links to an audio story that gives a good introduction to start the conversation on the right to protection with your target group.

This game has been specially created to work with duty-bearers on the theme of children's rights.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


(1) Collect key insights and responses from the different duty-bearers in the discussion, to become aware of their positions and remember which duty-bearer can help with which problem. This can be relevant to staying aware of the duty-bearers within your network and their thoughts and ideas.

(2) Collect a list of relevant duty-bearers and their responsibilities, which you can disseminate in your community.

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