Camera Catchers: The impact of COVID-19

How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect the right to protection? Empathise with one of the characters and explain the risks they face during a pandemic!

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Gather a group of players in front of the 'Camera Catchers' poster and ask them to explore the images for two minutes.


Then, start up a discussion about the different risk the characters on the panels would face during the pandemic. Ask questions like:

  • In which situations or locations is there a high risk of infection? Why?
  • Which risky situations are more present or less present during a pandemic? For example: domestic violence, migration ...
  • What are the highest risks during the pandemic?
  • What can you do to avoid these risks or to prevent them? What are precautions you can take?
  • ...

The activity ends when all the players were able to share some personal stories or when all the situations on the panel are covered. Conclude the game by explaining that all children have the right to be protected and feel safe.

Información extra del juego

The 'Camera Catchers' poster

The 'Camera Catchers' poster is the overview poster for the right to protection. The poster zooms in on the protection aspect present in the stories of the five main characters of the toolkit. The panel is designed as a security room, where security cameras allow you to look at the stories with a 'right to protection'-lens. On the left top side of the panel, all the separate rights linked to the right to protection are listed. The QR code on the right-hand side of the panel links to an audio story that gives a good introduction to start up the conversation on the right to protection with your target group.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This game is based on the following game and can be used to discuss how COVID-19 has affected the right to protection for children and young people.


Focus on specific locations: select one location on the risky situations panel (f.ex apartment) and write down all the risks that children face during a pandemic in that specific location. Reflect with the kids on how this location would like look in times of a pandemic.

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