Islands of Safety

Sharpen your communication skills and teamwork by silently coordinating place switches through eye contact and nods in this engaging game!

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • - Hoops, chalk, tape or small stones

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


All players find a place in the room. Everyone is given a hoop, or a circle is drawn with chalk or taped with sticky tape. Alternatively, players can also be instructed in advance to collect pebbles and use them later to form their circle.


Two facilitators stand in their circles and demonstrate the following: they look at each other, nod, and switch places.


The group is then asked if they saw clearly what the facilitators were doing.


The facilitator gives the following explanation: when you want to switch places, you make eye contact with someone in the group, you nod, and if the other person agrees, they nod back. Then you switch places.


The facilitator then gives a start signal.


After a few switches, introduce a rule where players must also share a positive affirmation or compliment before switching places (e.g., "I appreciate your smile" or "You did a great job earlier").


After several more switches, introduce another layer of complexity:

players must now find a new person to switch with each time, ensuring they do not switch with the same person consecutively.


Continue for a few rounds, then introduce a new challenge:

players must now switch places with two people at once, forming small groups and coordinating the switch together.


After a few changes, give the command for everyone to return to their own place.


Conduct a reflection session with the following questions:

  • - How did the game go?
  • - Was it difficult to make contact with the other players?
  • - How did the added challenges (compliments, new partners, group switches) affect the game?
  • - Did you notice any changes in how you communicated or interacted with others?
  • - How did giving and receiving compliments make you feel?

Información extra del juego

This game is a good icebreaker for beginning group or with players who have difficulty making contact.

Source: De speeltuin van de therapeut Dominiek Huis in 't Veld-Verhoeven


To make it a little bit more competitive, you can add a tagger.

The tagger tries to tag the other players while they are walking through the room. Everyone is safe within a circle, but only one player per circle is allowed. When tagged, you become the new tagger.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

Practice making eye contact in a playful and safe way.

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

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