Human Guess Who

Can you be the first to guess who it is by asking smart questions? Let's find out during this fun and easy group game!

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Denunciar este juego

inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Choose two players to play the first game of Guess Who. Choose one player to be the judge.

All other players represent the Guess Who game board. They line up in different rows. Make sure the two players can see all the participants.


The judge chooses one person in the playing field to be "it", but does not tell who he picked. The two players now need to find out who was picked by only asking yes/no questions, taking turns.


Player 1 can, for example, ask: "Is it a girl?"

The judge answers the question with "yes" or "no".

If the answer is "yes", all players who are boys bend forward or sit down. All players who are girls remain standing.


Now, player 2 needs to ask another yes/no question to try and find the person the judge selected between the participants that are still standing up, e.g.: "Is she wearing sneakers?".


The game continues until one of the players guesses who the judge selected. That player wins this round of Guess Who!


Appoint two different "guessers" and a different judge and restart the game.

Información extra del juego

This game is fun to play in foreign language classes as well. The players can practise their vocabulary and grammar (asking questions) in a playful way.


You can combine this game with the Mobile School Guess Who panels. The players can, for example, first play a game of Guess Who with the panels and follow it up with a game of Human Guess Who or you can ask the players to pick a character from the panel they will represent during the Human Guess Who game.

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