The Challenge of Goodness

A good, fun and interactive game to give you the opportunity to do good things for others.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Phone (to record video)
  • Cards with deeds
  • Box for the cards



Étape 1

Deed's cards

On pieces of paper, write as many good deeds as you can think about (see examples in the additional game information).

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Take one of the cards, perform the challenge stated on the card and record a video of yourself as proof (see additional game information).


On the video, say the deed and at the end of the challenge, mention a person who should take on the challenge to take part in the game.


Then, that person too needs to complete the task and can nominate another person. This way, players initiatie the 'challenge of goodness'.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Game created by Abdallah, from Egypt, Street Child United Young Leader.


The game can be played with a group of people in the same community, so there is no need to challenge someone on the internet. The game can also be played without challenging someone.

Cards Idea 

  • Leave a book in a little free library
  • Share your story and inspire others to do good 
  • Take a walk and clean up your neighbourhood
  • Volunteer at a shelter
  • Make a handmade gift for a friend 
  • Pay for someone's food 
  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Paint a painting and give it to a close friend
  • Feed dogs cats and birds 
  • Post positive notes around your community
  • Pack an extra lunch for someone
  • Pay for someone's bus fare
  • Offer to babysit  
  • Write kind words on a rock 
  • Invite someone new to your place 
  • Pay for the person behind you at the drive-through
  • Plant a tree 
  • Donate clothes that no longer fit 
  • Offer help to someone
  • Call or visit someone who lives alone 
  • Bring water to someone working outside
  • Help a street child to find a place to live in, or let him spend a day in your home 
  • Help a person in his tasks for one day (for example) make a t-shirt with the name of a charity, and make an innovative advertisement that drew attention to it.
  • Allocate free meals in restaurants to the poor who cannot afford to pay for meals.
  • Put money in paper envelopes and put it on the door of the poor man's house at night.
  • Activate afforestation in our homeland
  • Voluntary initiatives for the environment through the recycling of used objects, and then reuse them
  • Provide places for animals on the street without shelter.
  • Invite a poor person to eat in a decent restaurant
  • Spend a whole day with a poor child or a poor person

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Sander Degeling

Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

1 septembre, 2020


Love all the ideas for the 'good deed' cards! Thanks a lot for sharing this game Street Child United and Abdallah.

Lies De Vocht

Content & Communication Officer StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

1 septembre, 2020


This is such an original game. I really like the idea of doing something good for someone else in a game. By sharing it online, you can inspire so many people to do the same.

Robert Rusu

25 septembre, 2020


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