Make a song

“Create your own songs with the easy-to-use 'Make-a-Song'-methodology.”

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Mobile School Sliding Door Panel

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


You can play the game with 1 or more people, individually or in groups.


Choose 1, 2 or more instruments by opening a window in the 1st column and use this instrument (or these instruments) to create different sounds.


Choose 1, 2 or more topics in the 2nd and 3rd column. Now your song has to deal with the chosen topics.


Choose an emotion in the 4th column and act like the emotion during your song or sing about the emotion.


If you want to make the game more complex, you can open 1 or more windows in

the 5th column (words) and 1 in the 6th column (musical styles and genres). You have to use the word at least one time in your song and sing in the specific musical style (for example: rap or hip hop).


You are now ready to create your song and perform it for the group. Enjoy!

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The sliding door panel consists of 1 column of instruments, 2 columns of topics, 1 column of emotions, 1 column of words & 1 column of music



If you want to add some acting fun, use the rotation disk without a panel. Around the disk you draw/write characters (famous people, someone you know in person,...) and/or dance styles (salsa, breakdance, traditional dance, ballet,

freestyle,...). Spin the rotation disk and do a dance or act out the famous persons.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Creative thinking
  • Empathize in characters and emotions
  • Exploring new dance styles and body movements
  • Dare to express yourself creatively

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