Let's Debate: find the detail in the disc

Look for the details of the drawings in the disc, but be careful: pay attention to the details!

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Étape 1


First, cut out the rotation disc from the template. Pinch out the holes and attach the disc with a split pen to the panel, so the disc rotates over the panel and the images in the disc are visible. Draw an arrow on the disc.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Put the arrow on 0 and look for exercise number 1. Try to find the small detail of the image inside of the disc.


Put your finger on the answer and spin the disc until you reach the smiley face. If you have found the correct answer, the arrow will land on exercise 1. If so, continue with exercise 2. If not, reposition the disc again on 0 and try again.


Continue this process until you've found all the 11 details inside the disc.


After each exercise, ask the player what the images represent and what he/she thinks about this specific topic. Additionally, you can ask how these images are related to the right to participation.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The topics:

(1) Rainbow flag (LGBTQI+) - (2) Social media - (3) Multicultural community - (4) Religion - (5) Vegetarian food - (6) Means of transportation - (7) Alcohol/smoking - (8) Elections/voting - (9) Weapons - (10) Robots - (11) Gender - (12) Question mark (own topic)

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