Facing Trauma: Building the stories of Ezra, Elias, Atid & Satya, Samir & Viktoria

Rearrange the scenes to piece together the stories of Ezra, Elias, Atid & Satya, Samir, and Viktoria.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Comic Poster
  • Extract of the storylines for each character
  • Smartphone or tablet to scan the QR code
  • A speaker box
  • 40 cards depicting the different scenes of the storylines



Étape 1

Prepare the 40 cards

Print out the poster with the five storylines and cut out the eight images of each storyline. Now, you have 40 cards to use during the activity.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Depending on the number of players, choose all five stories of Ezra, Elias, Atid & Satya, Samir and Viktoria or pick the ones you like most.


Divide the players into subgroups and distribute the eight cards of one storyline with the group, until each group has the eight pieces of one storyline.


Then, the players put the cards in what they think is the correct order as quickly as they can. Encourage them to recreate their character's story using the cards.


When they have finished, the players will check if their order is correct. For verification, the children listen to the characters' audio story (via the QR code on the poster) or read to them/let them read each character's storyline.


Allow the players to rearrange the cards if they think something is wrong.


The game can be replayed by giving the group another set of eight cards (cf. another storyline).

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The stories of the six characters poster illustrate the storylines of the six main characters from the toolkit on trauma-informed youth work. The full storylines of the characters can be found in the appendix of the activity bundle. On the left-hand side of the poster, the main characters are shown with a QR code one can scan to listen to their story in different languages.

Other possible topics to discuss for each storyline:

  • Blue: neglect, psychologist, loss of a loved one, responsibilities, reading …
  • Red: natural disaster, friends, hobbies, refugee shelters …
  • Yellow: disasters, siblings, nightmares, secondary trauma, vending on the market, knitting …
  • Green: reunification, youth care facilities, refugees, board games, separation …
  • Purple: war, singing, social media, seeking shelter, separation from family …

The following games can also be played with this educational poster:

  • Facing Trauma: Discover the stories of Ezra, Elias, Atid, Satya, Samir, and Viktoria


This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


  • If you have a lot of energy in the group, you can give one card to each of the children and ask them to line up in the specific order of the storyline. Afterwards, the order is checked by listening to the audio story via the QR code.
  • If you want to add a little bit of physical activity to your activity, you can split each group further into ‘storytellers’ and ‘arrangers’. ‘Storytellers’ listen to (a part of) the story, then run to a central area to tell what they heard to the ‘arrangers’. The ‘arrangers’ then run back to their ‘base camp’ and attempt to rearrange the cards based on the information provided.
  • If you work with young players, give them the poster "The stories of the five characters" so they can put the cards in the right order while looking at the example.
  • Draw 6 squares next to each other on a piece of paper like a comic book. Choose a card (of the storylines) that reminds you of your own story and draw your new story. You could think of a difficulty that you experienced in your life. What happened? How do you succeed to make it better? What was helpful? Did you manage it by yourself? Did you find support from somebody? If your difficulty is not solved yet, you can draw what you would like to happen.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

Learn how to sequence events logically.

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