What Time Is It?

Use your hands to indicate a time and learn to read the clock.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Use your hands and fingers to indicate a certain time. Explain the concepts "quarter of an hour", "half hour", "hour" and "minute" by replacing your fingers on the clock. The player learns to tell the time. 


Explain what you did that day referring to the time on the clock. Afterwards, the player does the same thing. 


Repeat with a different time on the clock. 

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

For StreetSmart Wheels partners, the code of the poster is MATHEMATICS-G-M1


  • Ask the player the following questions: When did you get up? When did you arrive here? What time do you usually go to sleep? The player indicates the different moments on the clock.
  • Tell a story (e.g. Paul gets up at seven. Half an hour later he walks through the city…). The player indicates the correct time on the clock.
  • The player converts the time indicated by the clock into digital time and writes down the numbers on the blackboard or on a piece of paper. 

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Acquire a notion of time.
  • Being able to tell time and read the clock.
  • Understand the concepts "quarter of an hour", "half hour", "hour" and "minute", and know how to use them. 

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