Find the culprit

Describe a police case where the culprit must be found

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Everything you need to play this game

  • rope
  • gun
  • days
  • poison pot

A step-by-step guide to play the game


This game is played by at least 4 players. Each player takes the name of a character: aunt, brother, son, assistant.

In secret, give a weapon to all players. They will keep this weapon hidden from the other players.


The players ask questions to find out who was close to the victim.


The players try to find out which weapons the other players have.


After 3 rounds, all players can hypothesise who is the culprit and with which weapon the crime was committed.

Extra game information

It's recommendable to sit in a circle while playing this game.

Specific learning objectives

the child will discover how to formulate a hypothesis and the means to prove it

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