Emotion Maze: Emotion Explorer

Explore emotions in different ways and develop expressive skills in a fun and engaging way!

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Select one of the coloured lines on the border of the game board to complete together as a group.


Place your pawn on one of the white start circles in the corners of the game board to start the game.


You can move your pawn according to the brown lines to the next circle. You cannot skip circles. Discuss and decide together which direction to go.


At each circle, complete the exercise indicated by the icon. One player picks an image on the border of the game board and performs the corresponding exercise:

  • Pink (book): Share a specific story or anecdote related to the chosen image.
  • Blue (pencil): Draw your chosen image.
  • Green (mime): Act out your chosen image.
  • Orange (speech bubble): Describe your chosen image without mentioning directly the elements from the image.
  • Purple (questions): Give the other players instructions on which image you chose by answering to their yes or no questions.
  • White (start square): move on to the next circle.

The other group members must guess which image you chose.


After guessing the picture, each player identifies the emotion they believe best fits the image.


If the group correctly guesses the image and explains why they chose a specific emotion, they earn a point and place a bottle cap on the corresponding colour on their chosen side of the game board.


The game ends when the group collects all colours on their selected side of the game board.

Extra game information

The frame of this poster consists of 20 images that trigger the players' imagination. There is no specific explanation for each image. In the middle of the game board, you can find 16 emoticons (top to bottom, left to right): funny, excited, scared, irritated, nauseous, happy, thinking, loved, surprised, doubtful, sleepy, relaxed, sad, angry, desperate, and ashamed. The players can interpret the emoticons as they wish.

The structure of the game board is based on the game Nine Men's Morris.

The following games can also be played with this educational poster:

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.



  • Fixed line order: Choose one of the sides of the game board and follow the predetermined colours in the line, in the sense that you can only earn points according to the line order. Meanwhile, if you land on a circle of a different colour, you must complete the exercise, but do not earn any points.
  • Reverse order - starting with the emotions: Choose an emotion first and then do the corresponding exercise (pictured in the small circles). Let the group guess the chosen emotion. Then decide together which picture fits this emotion, reversing the basic order of play.
  • Cover used emotions and/or situations: Once an emotion or situation has been used, cover it with a bottle cap. In this way, players have to choose a different emotion/image for each exercise.
  • Bingo variation: The first player or group who can cover a row of four emotions or six pictures wins.
  • Use a variation for the exercises:

o Pink: Pick one of the images together with another player and tell a story together.

o Blue: Draw the image with your non-dominant hand or with your eyes closed.

o Green: Act out the image only using sounds; no gestures or words allowed.

o Orange: Describe the image using only one-word clues or synonyms.

o Purple: Answer questions using only gestures or charades to convey responses.

  • Competitive version (max 4 players or 4 groups): Let each group complete one side of the game board (in free or fixed order) by playing the basic game in turns. Given the sensitive nature of the topic involved, engaging in a competitive version of the game might not always be appropriate. It's essential to consider the emotional well-being of all players and ensure that the atmosphere remains supportive and respectful throughout the gameplay.

Specific learning objectives

  • Emotional literacy
  • Recognise, label and express a wide range of emotions.

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