The Scarf

In this fun game that promotes teamwork, everyone plays to win together.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Handkerchief or any piece of cloth

A step-by-step guide to play the game


2 equal teams are formed and they are numbered. Each team must be careful so that the opposing team does not know their numbers. Then they stand in a vertical line, establishing a delimitation of where they cannot cross until the facilitator mentions the number and start the competition.


The facilitator stands in the center with the handkerchief and names a number that must coincide with a member of both teams, the first to get the handkerchief and return to his place without being touched, wins a point and can ask questions to the other team in relation to the location of the continents, their names, characteristics and divisions.

Extra game information

They can choose small or large numbers.


The game can be played with any theme that the facilitator wishes.

Specific learning objectives

  • Strengthen cooperation between children.
  • Make sure they understand the topics covered.

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