The Maze

Find your way through the maze while learning more about natural resources and their derived products.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Each player gets three bottle caps to start the game.


The first player puts a bottle cap on one of the blue or green symbols around the maze. This will be the starting point to complete the maze.


The player follows the pipes of the maze until he reaches one of the brown symbols in the middle of the maze. He places a bottle cap on this symbol.


He now continues his journey through the maze and places a bottle cap on the symbol where the path ends. Now he has three bottle caps on three symbols: blue, green and brown.


Now gather in front of the magnetic panel (GAME C8b). The player must look for his three symbols. If he completed the maze in the right manner, he will find that the three symbols represent one production chain. For example: coffee plant - coffee beans - cup of coffee.


Reflect on the production chain by expressing the link between the three products.


Repeat these steps with a different player.

Extra game information

Around the maze panel (GAME C8a) you can see green and blue symbols linked by the pipes of the maze. Inside the maze, there are similar brown symbols. On the smaller magnetic panel (GAME C8b), the same symbols are depicted on three different levels. By following the maze successfully, a player will get three symbols which stand for a production cycle of a certain product. For example: sunshine - solar panels - electricity.


Play the game the other way around: first start at the GAME C8b panel and try to find a link between three products. Place a bottle cap on these three products. Then shift to the maze panel and check if your association is correct.

Specific learning objectives

Learn to recognise and name the production cycle of different products.

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