Circus Game

Being a clown or a circus artist can be a great way to express your creativity.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Clown paint
  • 3 large cardboards
  • Pencils
  • Scissor

Make it yourself


Step 1

Board 1: General drawing of a circus
  • Draw a colourful circus on one of the cardboards.

Step 2

Board 2: step-by-step board on how to become a clown
  • Draw in a couple of steps how to become a clown. You can use this image as inspiration.

Step 3

Board 3: acrobatic board
  • Draw different acrobatic positions on the board f.ex. building a pyramid, doing a tumble...
Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Gather the kids around the general board with the circus on it.


Let them choose an activity and play!


The acrobatic board describes different acrobatic positions.


The clown board describes how to paint yourself like a clown.

Specific learning objectives

Learning to express their creativity

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