Do I fit in your garbage bag?

Guess which piece of waste you are by asking yes / no questions.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • labels
  • Pens or ballpoint pens

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Write a label for each participant with the name of a piece of waste.


Stick a label on the forehead of each player. They are not allowed to see what is on the label.


The players will soon be able to mix and ask each other yes / no questions. In this way they try to find out as quickly as possible with whom they can go in the same bin.


If a player has found someone who is allowed in the same waste container, he will stay with that player. In this way, groups of different waste containers are gradually forming.

What people said about this game

Joke Verreth

Partnership Coordinator Europe & Latin America StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

18 March, 2020


This game allows you to address the topic of recycling in a fun way. You could use this as a starting point to play more recycling related games in teams. The participants that are in the same bin at the end of this game could form a team, which then competes against the other 'bins' throughout all the games (e.g.: create a piece of art using things that can be found in your bin). May the best bin win =)!

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