Balloon explosions

An interactive game aimed at discussing sensitive social issues

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Everything you need to play this game

  • colored markers, balloons, paper
  • glue

A step-by-step guide to play the game


We form a circle and the teacher asks the children to think of some situations that bother them in modern social life (homophobia, racism, climate change, etc.).


When you're done discussing the subject, each player writes down on the paper what is most annoying to him, with the help of the instructor if needed, and hangs it on the balloon.


Each on their turn, the player goes with his balloon to the center of the circle and explains the reasons for being bothered by the situation.


The team discusses and tries to find solutions to what has been written down and with the agreement of the most effective solution, each player breaks his balloon.


The discussion can be more specific, depending on the context (what bothers me at school, in the neighborhood).

Specific learning objectives

Reflection and awareness raising on social issues, cooperation and exchange of views, dialogue and free expression.

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