
It's a caution game.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Blackboard
  • Chalk

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Each member of the group receives a number.


You need a moderator to start the game.


Write all the numbers on the blackboard. Each player is assigned a number.


The moderator says he would eat a certain number of oranges (x), for example 5.


The child with that number says "why x and not Y". So for example, "Why 5 and not 6?" Now player 6 has to react.


If a player is late in his/her reaction, he/she will leave the game and his number is crossed out on the blackboard. If then another player uses an unassigned number he will leave the game as well.


The game ends when there are only 2 players left.

Extra game information

Those who are not careful, or those who said a number that is already cut off, are eliminated from the game.

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