Teeth hygiene

The goal is for children to learn and share knowledge about the kind of foods that could harm their teeth and distinguish them from the good ones.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Two posters with different colors
  • Markers

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Draw one black tooth on the one poster (that represent the damaged teeth).


Draw a shiny tooth in the other poster (that represent the good and healthy teeth).


Give markers to the children and ask to draw inside the black tooth all the foods that are bad and you shouldn’t eat often.


Ask children to draw inside the shiny tooth all the foods that are good, like fruits and vegetables.


Discuss the reasons that children put the foods in each category and relocate them if necessary

What people said about this game

Lies De Vocht

Content & Communication Officer StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

5 February, 2020


Really nice game to discuss even with young children about mouth hygiene! Nice idea ??

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