Ocean - Storytelling

Invent a story about ocean life with this creative panel about nature and geography.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


The first player describes a specific situation that he sees on the game board or that may happen in the ocean. He gives names to the fishes and/or the people. It is also possible to create relationships 


After this, the second player continues the story of the first player. This player must add new characters and relationships to the situation/story. 


The third player continues, etc. 


Little by little, the players create an entire story together. When the story is finished, reflect on it together. 

Información extra del juego

The game board represents marine life, including a representation of the food chain. You can see a man fishing, birds looking for fish to catch and big fishes eating small ones.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Obtain a notion of life in the ocean.
  • Develop creative expression.

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