Children's rights

Get to know the children's rights by discussing different pictures that represent these rights.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Put a bottle cap on one or more of the dog icons.


The players put the same kind of bottle cap on all situations on the panel that could have anything to do with it it (e.g. all situations that show the right to health care).


Discuss the choices of the players. Suggested questions:

  • Why did you put a bottle cap on that situation?
  • What is happening in that situation?

Provide information about the different children's rights.

Información extra del juego

The main discussion panel consists of two parts. There are 14 dog-icons shown around the panel, each as a symbol of a children's right. Central, there is a large picture with all kind of situations where the children's rights are highlighted in a positive or negative way (either respected or violated). Also organisations and institutions that can offer assistance with regard to children's rights are depicted (e.g. a school, a hospital, …).

For StreetSmart Wheels partners, the code of the poster is SOCIETY-A8


  • The players put bottle caps on all situations where children's rights are violated. Variation: all situations where children's rights are respected or all situations that they recognise.
  • Combine with the evaluation panel (SOCIETY B3). Link a situation of the children's right panel to an emotion that this situation evokes for the players. This is possible by drawing a line of chalk between both panels. Suggested question: How does this situation make you feel and why?
  • Have a poll in order to discuss which children's right is considered the most important. For each vote that a right gets, pull a line next to the corresponding dog icons. Later on the votes are counted and the winning right is proclaimed.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Recognise the positive aspects as well as the violations of children's rights.
  • Being able to recognize and distinguish between the different children's rights.

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

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