Media World

Increase your media literacy by playing games with this discussion panel.

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Look at the panel up close with the child(ren).


Ask questions about the media depicted on the panel: e.g. music: Which types of music do you know? How many musical instruments can you sum up? What's your favourite song? Do you know how to sing, dance and/or play a musical instrument? Which music makes you happy, sad,...? etc.


The child(ren) choose one of the icons on

the panel & play the corresponding games (see below).

Información extra del juego


Activity: Create your own newspaper or magazine

How to play:

  1. Ask the children what their ideal newspaper or magazine would look like: which kind of topics, pictures, advertisements,...
  2. The children will now design their own newspaper or magazine. They can use pictures from old magazines & newspapers (collage) or draw their own pictures (e.g. caricatures of famous people). They can write their own stories & add advertisements.

Activity: Make a YouTube video together

How to play:

  1. Have a discussion with the children about videos on YouTube: Do they have a YouTube account? Do they watch a lot of videos? What are their favourite videos? Have they ever uploaded a video themselves?
  2. In groups, the children will make a video about something they like.
  3. Now, the children will upload their videos on YouTube (protected environment).
  4. Show the children how to protect their media content, so it’s not available for everyone online (privacy).

Activity 1: Chain Story

How to play:

  1. Make a circle with all the children.
  2. Appoint one child to start: he/she will invent the first sentence of a story.
  3. The next child continues with a second sentence and so on, until the story is finished.


Each child says just one word instead of an entire sentence & a story is created that way.

Activity 2: Mobile School Guest Book

How to play:

  1. Make a Mobile School Guest Book together with the children.
  2. Attach the book to the mobile school with a piece of string.
  3. The children can write about their experiences and opinions in the Mobile School Guest Book.

Activity: Street Artist

How to play:

  1. Ask the children to invent a nickname, their ‘street artist name’.
  2. Ask the children to write down their street artist name on the mobile school in graffiti style.

Activity: Treasure Hunt

How to play:

  1. One group of children creates/searches for a treasure they can hide.
  2. They hide the treasure somewhere in the neighborhood.
  3. They make a treasure map for the other children, so they can find the treasure.
  4. The other children search for the treasure.


Download the app ‘geocaching’ & organise a treasure hunt for the children by hiding different clues, linked to coordinates in the app.

Activity: Party on!

How to play:

  1. Ask the children what their ideal party would look like: Who would they invite? What would be on the programme?
  2. Ask the children to design a poster and/or an invitation for the party together.

Variation: Let the children plan a real party for the mobile school. Give them a limited budget to buy items for the party (balloon, chips,...) & plan the expenses together with them.

Activity 1: Talent Show

How to play:

  1. All children prepare their act (e.g. a song, a poem, a dance, ...), during which they will show their talent to a jury (a group of children and/or the mobile school team).
  2. After the preparation, the talent show is organised.

Activity 2: I’m on TV!

The children organise their own TV-show (theater window).

Activity: Talent Show

How to play:

  1. The children think of a fantasy product.
  2. One group tries to sell the product to the other children.
  3. Discuss the different sales strategies: What are the advantages of the product? How can you promote them in the best way? How can you set yourself apart from other people selling the same product?
  4. Discuss consumer behavior: Are the children influenced by advertisement? What types of things are promised in different advertisements? Are these promises kept?

Activity: Facebook Profile

How to play:

  1. Hand out papers with a scaled down form of a social network profile on it.
  2. Ask the children to fill in what they think is important information to share.
  3. Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of Facebook & the information available (privacy).

Variation: The children draw their profile or the profile of one of their friends on the mobile school freely & present their friend to the others.

Activity: Mobile School Beatbox

How to play:

  1. Download the app ‘My Beatbox’.
  2. Create simple beats together with the children.
  3. Use the created beats to make a beatbox about the mobile school.

Variation: If possible, you can organise a workshop with a professional beatboxer.

Activity: Video Game

How to play:

  1. Gather the children in front of one of the Mobile School labyrinth panels (GAME C8a and GAME C8b)
  2. Appoint 1 controller & 1 player and blindfold the player.
  3. The player now receives commands from the controller, so he can follow the correct route out of the labyrinth.

Variation: Draw a Super Mario-like landscape together with the children to use instead of one of the Mobile School labyrinth panels.

Activity: Silent Conference

How to play:

  1. Divide the children in 2 groups.
  2. Group 1 and Group 2 will organise a Skype conference call, but unfortunately the microphone is broken.
  3. Group 1 needs to find a way to communicate a specific place (on the panel) and time for a meeting with Group 2 without speaking or writing.
  4. If Group 2 thinks they have all the necessary information, they hang up. They show the location of the meeting & write down the time, which is then checked by Group 1.

Activity: Ideal Remote Control

How to play:

  1. The children think of their ideal remote control: What would it be able to do? Which different functions would it have? What would it look like?
  2. The children draw their ideal remote control on a piece of paper or on the mobile school, with all the special functions it would have.
  3. Possibly: play games based on the remote control functions invented by the children: e.g. play tag by zapping instead of actually tagging, or zap at the children & give them different assignments corresponding to the functions they invented.


The children invent their own media device from the future & either draw it or try to create it with the things they find in the neighbourhood.

Activity: Timeline

How to play:

The children make a historical timeline of all the media on the panel: What was invented first?


The children make a timeline of a typical day in their lives, depicting the different types of media they use,

for which activities & how frequently they use it.

Activity: Movement Profile

How to play:

  1. Give the children a movement profile form. This form shows a line that bends over & over again in different directions.
  2. The children have to combine the movement profile with the panel & discover the correct route, to find out what the person with this movement profile was doing.


Tell the children a story about a day in the life of a person, mentioning different places on the panel.

They need to map out the movement profile of that person.


Ask the children to represent certain media via pantomime or, to make it more difficult, with just one hand gesture.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

Increase media literacy and media criticism, develop digital skills

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