What A Wonderful World

Create a drawing of an environment you would like to reside in and one you wouldn't want to live in. What distinguishes these two environments?

0 valoraciones y comentarios

Denunciar este juego

inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • Paper
  • Colouring materials, e.g. paints, markers, crayons, pencils
  • Drawing pins or sticky tape to hang drawings

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Instruct players to imagine an environment they would like to have (real or imaginary) and have them draw it.


Then, ask the players to imagine an environment they wouldn't want and to draw it.


Once the drawings are completed, display them and invite the children to view the mini-exhibition.


Facilitate a reflective discussion by posing some reflection questions (see additional game info).

Información extra del juego

Reflection Questions
  • Was it easy to come up with the two different environments?
  • Which drawing and environment do you prefer the most? Why?
  • How do the people living in the environments you've drawn feel?
  • What makes an environment positive or negative?
  • How does our physical environment impact us?
  • How do we influence the environment?
  • What would you like to change about your physical environment?
  • How can you make your environment more like the one you drew?

Tips for the Facilitator
  • Assist children in understanding that the environment is shaped by both tangible physical factors and intangible abstract ones, and that both are necessary for a good environment. Younger children may struggle with the abstract concept of environment.
  • Prior to conducting the exercise, make sure you have a clear focus on the aspects of environment you want to emphasize (such as housing, school, etc.). Attempting to address the entire environment without a clear focus will be too vast and abstract.

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Detalles del juego


Detalles del juego

Continúa la cadena de los derechos de los niños

¡Hagamos una cadena de derechos! ¡Unámonos!

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Detalles del juego

Otros juegos de e.p.a.

Continúa la cadena de los derechos de los niños

¡Hagamos una cadena de derechos! ¡Unámonos!

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¡Canto para crear un arcoíris!

¡Prepárate para dejar volar tu imaginación y expresar tu personalidad única!

Detalles del juego

¿Cuál es tu posición?

En esta actividad de debate, las personas literalmente defienden sus opiniones.

Detalles del juego

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