The stories of the five characters: build the storyline with cards

Retell the story of the five main characters with the help of the story cards.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


First, print out the panel with the five storylines and cut out the eight images of each storyline. Now, you have 40 cards to use during the activity.


Depending on the number of players, choose all five stories of Ibrahim, Frederick, Priya, Julia and Anna or pick the ones you like most.


Divide the players into subgroups and share the eight cards of one storyline with the group, until each group has the eight pieces of one storyline.


Then, the players put the cards in what they think is the correct order as quickly as they can. Encourage them to recreate their character's story using the cards.


When they have finished, the players will check if their order is correct. For verification, the children listen to the characters' audio story (via the QR code on the poster) or read to them/let them read each character's storyline.


Allow the players to rearrange the cards if they think something is wrong.


The game can be replayed by giving the group another set of eight cards (cf. another storyline).

Información extra del juego

The stories of the five characters poster shows the storylines of the five main characters of the toolkit. The full storylines of the characters can be found in the appendix of the activity bundle. On the left hand side of the panel, the main characters are shown with a QR-code one can scan to listen to their story in different languages. Next to the characters, six green rights and six red rights are depicted. These icons show the main children's rights which are respected and violated in the story of the specific character. In order to interpret the children's rights icons, it might be useful to always have the children's rights overview panel with you.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


  • If you have a lot of energy in the group, you can give one card to each of the children and ask them to line up in the specific order of the storyline. Afterwards, the order is checked by listening to the audiostory via the QR-code.
  • If you work with young players, give them the poster "The stories of the five characters" so they can put the cards in the right order while looking at the example.

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