The stories of the five characters: children's rights discussion

Identify and discuss the different children's rights in the stories of the five characters.

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Listen with the group to the audio story of Julia, the first character on the panel. If you're not able to play the audio story, you can also tell the story or ask the players to build the story according to the images they see.


Then, ask a player to name one of the children's rights that is respected in the story and one that is violated. To make it easier, you can also have the overview panel with all children's rights nearby.


Check if the children's right mentioned is listed in the green icons (respected) or in the red icons (violated) next to the main character. Continue the discussion until all six rights of each colour are discussed.


The game ends when the same activity is done for all five characters and their stories on the panel.

Información extra del juego

The stories of the five characters poster show the storylines of the five main characters of the toolkit. The full storylines of the characters can be found in the appendix of the activity bundle. On the left-hand side of the panel, the main characters are shown with a QR code one can scan to listen to their story in different languages. Next to the characters, six green rights and six red rights are depicted. These icons show the main children's rights which are respected and violated in the story of the specific character. In order to interpret the children's rights icons, it might be useful to always have the children's rights overview panel with you.

Other possible topics to discuss for each storyline:

  • Green: domestic abuse, relationships, art, ...
  • Blue: divorce, types of families, cyberbullying, gender...
  • Yellow: traditions, pets, working,...
  • Purple: war, refugees, moving,...
  • Red: housing, sports, pregnancy, drugs,...

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Ask the children what happens next for the five main characters of the poster. What will they do in the future, when they grow up? What will they become? How will certain storylines evolve in the future?

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