Basic needs: the suitcase

Have the children think and talk about which basic needs are most important to them using the metaphor of a suitcase.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Gather a group of players around the ‘Basic Needs’ poster.


Draw a suitcase on the ground/paper or blackboard and put the poster next to it.


Ask the players to draw the three most important basic needs (of the poster) for them in the suitcase. “If you should choose between all those basic needs, which three would you take with you in your suitcase?”


Start a discussion about why they have chosen those three items.


Now ask the players to think about one basic need they could live without. They can draw this one outside of the suitcase.


Reflect with the group about the different or equal choices.

Información extra del juego

The game contains a red and a green poster with each poster featuring the same 25 different objects. Each object is linked to Maslow's hierarchy of needs which divides basic needs into five categories:

  1. Physiological needs: food, water, clothes etc
  2. Safety needs: doctor, justice, money etc
  3. Social needs: communication tools, family etc
  4. Esteem and self-fulfilment needs: books, information etc

When a big group of children is playing the game, draw multiple suitcases so that every child can easily draw their basic needs.

If the players think about other basic needs that are not depicted on the posters, they can talk about them and use them within the game.

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