General overview of children's rights: rights race

Challenge players to identify which children's rights are being violated or protected in certain situations, on the involvement of the duty-bearers.

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Divide the group into two teams and give each team the child rights poster. Give the teams five minutes to familiarise themselves with the poster.


Have the teams line up a few metres from the poster.


The game leader presents a scenario about the protection or violation of children's rights (see additional game information). The first player from each team runs to the poster and places a bottle cap on the right that is most relevant to the scenario. Encourage the players to identify the duty-bearers involved in the scenario and let them explain their role in the protection or violation of the right. Only if the player can place their bottle cap on the correct right AND if they can explain which duty-bearers are involved in this scenario, the player will earn a point for their team.


The game can continue for as long as desired, with the team with the highest score being declared the winner at the end. The game can also be played until all scenarios are exhausted.

Información extra del juego

Reflection questions
  • Which duty bearers do you think might be involved in this situation? 
  • In your opinion, who is the primary duty bearer to fulfil this right? 
  • What is the responsibility of duty bearer X to fulfil this right? 
  • ...

Example situations
  • One billion children in developing countries receive vaccinations to prevent disease (Art 24).
  • Refugee children fleeing Syria are separated from their parents (Art 9).
  • Children miss school because they must walk one mile to get water (Art 28/24).
  • Girls in Afghanistan are forbidden from going to school (Art 28).
  • 100 countries commit to prevent the use of children in armed conflict (Art 38).
  • Children with disabilities are included in school (Art 23).
  • Children share their opinions with their local leaders, and the leaders listen (Art 13/12).
  • Children have access to a clean water source in their village – improving their health and making it easier to get to school (Art 24).
  • Cities build safe walkways in green spaces for children to walk to school in a clean air environment (Art 24).

The general overview poster shows all the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The UNCRC consists of 54 articles that set out children’s rights and how governments should work together to make them available to all children. On this child-friendly poster, all 54 articles are depicted. This poster functions as the main starting point for the All Children, All Rights package. Therefore it's highly recommended to always have this overview poster at hand when doing activities on children's rights.

This game has been specially created to work on the topic of duty-bearers with children and youngsters.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


The game can be played by children as the duty-bearers themselves. When playing with duty-bearers, encourage them to reflect on their own position/role and experiences in relation to this situation:

  • Have you ever been involved in a situation like this within your role as a duty-bearer?
  • Who do you feel is the primary duty-bearer to fulfil this right?
  • ...

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