The Children's Parliament: Duty-bearers' influence on the right to participation

Use the poster as inspiration in a discussion or reflection on the influence of duty-bearers on children's right to participation.

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When working with duty-bearers, the poster 'The Children's Parliament' can be used as inspiration in a discussion or reflection on the influence of duty-bearers on children's participation.


Let each duty-bearer write down a question about children’s participation. They eventually can use the poster as a source of inspiration. Gather all the questions in a small box.


Let one of the duty-bearers select a question and let them read the question out loud. Start the discussion by letting the duty-bearers respond to this question.

Información extra del juego

If you want, you can mention some example questions in your task description or include them already in the small box: 

  • How do you involve children and youngsters in interventions you take as duty-bearer?
  • How do you ensure that children's voices are heard in decisions that - Do you know the term 'the best interests of the child' and what it means?
  • Can you find a situation on the poster that you have encountered before? How did you act in that situation?
  • Can you find some situations on the poster which are very important for children? Why are they important? 
  • In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, how can duty-bearers ensure that children's rights to participate in decisions and actions that affect their lives are respected, and that their perspectives and experiences are taken into account in the response and recovery efforts?
  • ...

The 'Children's Parliament' poster is the overview poster for the right to participation. The posters show a multitude of situations in the parliament building. Outside of the parliament, people are demonstrating. The text balloons show additional situations linked to the right of participation. The QR code on the panel links to an audio story that gives a good introduction to start the conversation on the right to participation with your target group.

The rights linked to participation are the following: 

Art. 7 – Name and nationality | Art. 8 - Identity | Art. 12 – Respect for children’s view | Art. 13 – Sharing thoughts freely | Art. 14 – Freedom of thought and religion | Art. 15 – Setting up or joining groups | Art. 17 – Access to information | Art. 28 – Access to education | Art. 29 – Aims of education | Art. 30 – Minority culture, language and religion | Art. 31 – Rest, play, culture, arts | Art. 42 – Everyone must know children’s rights 

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This game has been specially created to work with duty-bearers on the theme of children's rights.

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