Growing Minds, Growing Rights: The impact of COVID-19

How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect your right to provision?

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Take a minute to discover the 'Educational Maze' poster with a group of 2-8 players.


Then, ask one of the children to step forward and choose one of the 4 brain colours. The colours represent 4 categories. Have the players look at the pictures belonging to this colour and have them guess which category these pictures represent. Ask some accompanying questions if necessary.

  • GREEN = TOOLS you use to learn
  • BLUE = WHERE do you learn
  • YELLOW = WHO do you learn from
  • RED = HOW do you learn

Ask the players to pick all the locations/tools/... (depending on the selected colour) he/she finds on the poster 'Growing Minds, Growing Rights'. Discuss the elements with the group.


Then, ask the group if it's possible to learn in all these locations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Which locations are closed? Are there alternatives available? Which places became more/less important during the pandemic? How does COVID-19 affects your learning curve?

Información extra del juego

The Educational Maze poster

The 'Educational Maze' poster offers youth workers the opportunity to discuss the different ways of formal and non-formal learning with children. Four categories are depicted on the panel, and every category contains multiple examples. All the examples have a circle with the same colour as the category, so it's easy to determine which example is linked to which category.

The categories are:

GREEN = TOOLS you use to learn = tablet and smartphone, guitar and ball, toolbox, pen and paper, books, toy and chess board, radio and television, gaming console, internet, online videos

BLUE = WHERE do you learn = Mobile School, home, sports-field, classroom, University, religious buildings, Internet cafe, factory, street/market, library/youth centre

YELLOW = WHO do you learn from = friends, director/boss, other cultures, coach/youth worker, role models, religious characters, family

RED = HOW do you learn = play, plan, structure, rewards, reflect, listen, ask questions, explain, experiment, practice, study and learn

It's important to stress that children can also learn outside of a school environment. They learn constantly! COVID-19 has disrupted formal education, but it's still possible for children to keep learning in different environments. This panel initiates this discussion!

The 'Growing Minds, Growing Rights' poster

The 'Growing Minds, Growing Rights' poster is the overview poster for the right to development. This poster depicts a school environment where all different rights related to development can be found. This poster is one of the four storytelling posters linked to one of the dimensions of children's rights: survival, protection, development and participation. The storytelling poster is closely linked to the 'Different Abilities, Equal Rights' panel.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This game is based on the following game: and can be used to discuss how COVID-19 has affected the right to facilities for children and young people.


- Have the players compare the two different posters. Which elements of the "Educational Maze" can also be found on the "Growing Minds, Growing Rights" poster?

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Learn about the impact of COVID-19 on education

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