Money Matters

Find out more about the five fundamental pillars of financial literacy with the Money Matters overview poster.

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Gather a group of children in front of the poster, and make them guess what the main topic of the overview poster is. Once they have identified the topic of financial literacy, start focussing on the bottom of the poster.


Ask one of the children if he/she knows what the first icon at the bottom ('earn') means. If children find it challenging to determine the meaning of the icon, feel free to give some hints. Continue with the other four pillars: spend, save, invest and protect.


If the child found the answer, ask him/her to find at least 2 situations where characters on the poster are (for example) earning money. Do the same for the other four pillars (spend, save, invest, protect) depicted at the bottom of the panel


The child shares the situations with the group. You can add additional questions like:

  • Do you think it’s a good/bad way of earning money? 
  • How would you like to earn money?  
  • Can you think of other ways of earning money (not) depicted on the poster? 

Make sure to make this step as interactive as possible to trigger a good group discussion. If you need any additional questions, check the additional game information below.


After discussing the first pillar, invite another child (or a couple of children) in front of the poster and continue with the second pillar ('spend'). The discovery of the situations will easily trigger discussions which will show the level of knowledge on financial literacy of the children.


The activity ends when all the five pillars are discussed.

Información extra del juego

The Money Matters overview poster is one of the two posters of the Fundamentals of Financial Literacy toolkit, created by the Khazana Foundation and StreetSmart in 2023. The two organisations joined forces to create a new toolkit together to allow more vulnerable children to learn about the basics of financial literacy via playful, accessible educational materials.

On the Money Matters overview poster, one can find over 50 situations that are directly or indirectly linked to financial literacy. At the bottom of the poster, the five coloured circles with the icons represent the five pillars of financial literacy: 

  • Earn
  • Spend
  • Save
  • Invest
  • Protect


  • Can you make a list of chores you could do to earn some money?
  • How do you feel when you've earned money?

  • Where do you usually spend your money on?
  • What is the difference in buying things you want and things you need?

  • Are you saving for something at this moment?
  • Why do you think saving for the future is important?

  • Can you give an example of an investment?
  • If you saved some money, are you considering investing it in the future? Why (not)?

  • What does it mean to protect your money?
  • Why do you think people get insurance?


  • After identifying the five pillars of financial literacy, ask the children which pillar is most important for them. Why do they think this? Is there a big difference in terms of importance between the pillars?
  • Ask the children how they rate their knowledge on financial literacy and where they learn most about money.
  • Over all pillars: what are good money practices you can find on the board? What are bad habits on the board you see on the board? Give children the time to discuss why they think certain situations are good and others are bad.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Children learn about the five fundamental pillars of financial literacy
  • Children learn more which everyday situations are linked to these five theoretical pillars

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

Pam Franken

StreetSmart Impact Coordinator StreetSmart • Mobile School vzw BE

4 octubre, 2023


This game offers a valuable introduction to financial literacy, making it accessible for both beginners and those seeking to improve their financial knowledge!

Katrien Vangeel

4 octubre, 2023


Zeer duidelijke omschrijving van het spel. Makkelijk aanpasbaar voor zowel oudere als jongere kinderen.

Nena Keersmaekers

5 octubre, 2023


Het spel lijkt me zeer nuttig voor de kinderen. Het laat veel ruimte tot discussie en interactie, wat hun aanzet tot denken en kritisch benaderen van geldgebruik. Ook wordt het heel duidelijk voorgesteld. Ik denk dat de straathoekwerkers er mee aan de slag kunnen zonder al te veel vragen. De video, de uitgeschreven uitleg, de variaties,... maken alles heel vatbaar en overzichtelijk om mee te werken.

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