RITUALS • Goal Getters’ Gala

Think of different engaging rituals that encourage children to set, pursue and achieve their goals.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • Large paper sheets for goal-setting circles
  • Markers and pens

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.

Organise a goal setting circle 

Gather all the children in a circle and let them share a personal or group goal they wish to achieve. When someone shares their goal, everyone else can give them cheer-ups and think of ideas together on how to make that goal happen.

Use a sheet of paper to write down ideas and to create a plan of how to reach each goal. Talking and helping each other out with goals gets us ready to succeed!

Foster ownership within your group

In your group activities, let each child have a special task or responsibility. They could be in charge of leading a game, getting materials ready, or helping everyone to talk about a topic. Having their own task makes them feel like they really belong and are an important part of the group.

After the session, make sure to compliment the child and thank them for doing such a great job. By recognising their efforts, children want to keep being involved and doing their best. 

End each session with an appreciation circle

Finish your youth work session with an appreciation circle. Everyone gets the chance to say thank you or give a compliment to someone else for something great they did. It could be for lending a helping hand, being really creative or being a good friend. Every good thing, big or small, gets a shout-out! Take turns so everyone hears something nice about what they’ve done. 

Información extra del juego

This game is part of the Rituals toolkit, created for the International Day of Street Children on April 12th. In 2024, the Consortium for Street Children's international campaign focused on the theme of belonging.

The toolkit focuses on how important it is for children to feel like they belong and offers resources for incorporating rituals into youth work practices. The aim of this toolkit is to ensure street-connected children are made to feel welcome and part of the community.  

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