Blossom and Flutter

Follow the life cycle of a seed turning into a flower and practice the butterfly hug technique.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • Soft music or nature sounds (optional)

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Gather the players in a circle. Begin by inviting them to close their eyes and imagine themselves as seeds just planted in the soil.


Guide them through each stage of the seed's journey, with gentle movements:

  • As rain begins to fall, visualize it nourishing you. Gently sway side to side, feel your roots grow deep and strong into the earth.
  • Now, the wind picks up. Lean and sway, feeling the wind's challenge and the strength of your roots keeping you grounded.
  • The sun emerges, bringing warmth. Stretch your arms high, reaching for the sky, absorbing the sun’s energy to grow taller and stronger.
  • It’s time to bloom. Slowly spread your arms wide, opening up like a flower to the world, showcasing your vibrant petals.

Transition to the butterfly hug technique by giving the following instructions:

  • As a butterfly attracted to your vibrant colors lands on you, let’s wrap our arms around ourselves, crossing them like a butterfly’s wings. Instruct the players to tap their arms or shoulders alternately, mimicking the gentle flapping of butterfly wings.

Encourage the players to take slow, deep breaths as they perform the butterfly hug, focusing on the calming rhythm and the sensation of their chest rising and falling.


End the activity with one collective deep breath, followed by a final tap with the butterfly hug.


For younger players, simplify images and movements and focus on basic movements such as stretching and swinging. 

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

Practice the butterfly hug technique for relaxation and self-soothing. 

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