The Conflict Goose Game

Fun guaranteed with this easy and accessible variation on the traditional goose board game.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Gather all the player's pieces on the starting square at the bottom of the panel (man in the triangle).


Each player throws the dice. The player with the highest number can start the game.


The players throw the dice and move the indicated number of spaces forward. If you land on a blank space, nothing happens. Then, the next player throws the dice. If you land on a space with a drawing, complete the corresponding task (see additional game information).


The first player to arrive in the middle of the board (the face) is the winner of the game.

Información extra del juego

On the board, there are different types of squares:

  • Man in the triangle: starting square
  • Arrow forward: move the number of indicated spaces forward (1, 2 or 3)
  • Hand: skip one turn
  • Dice: throw again
  • Arrow backward: move the number of indicated spaces backward (1, 2 or 3)

The images on the right and on the left hand side of the panel depict what happens when you land on a specific arrow (move faster or slower).


Players need to throw the exact number to be able to finish. If a player throws a higher number with the dice when waiting before the finish line, he/she will need to go back the number of extra spaces. This will make the game a little bit more difficult.

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