First Aid Memory

Find and link the cause, consequence and treatment of the different injuries and expand your knowledge on first aid

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Cover all the images of the six columns with post-its.


Ask one of the players to take away a post-it from the cause category, symbolized by the black warning triangle. Ask the player what he/she sees.


Then, take away a second post-it from the consequence category, depicted by the black 'bang' icon. If the image links to the first image, the player can continue. If not, another player takes a turn.


To conclude, the first player can take away a third post-it from the treatment category, depicted by the black ambulance icon. If the three images match, the player will need to explain what he/she sees on the panel. Ask questions like:

  • What happened to the character on the image?
  • Which injuries did he/she suffer?
  • Have you ever suffered from this yourself?
  • How do you treat these injuries?
  • What do you need to do when you or one of your friends gets injured like this?

Continue the game until all the twelve stories are found and discussed.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The game consists of twelve stories, spread randomly across the panel. Each story has a cause/risk, a consequence and then a treatment, to learn more about how to offer first aid to different situation. The same character is always depicted on the images to show the link between the images of one story. The images that link with each other, also have the same background colour as a control mechanism. The different stories are:

  1. Wasp sting
  2. Skateboard accident
  3. Falling down the stairs
  4. Step into broken glass
  5. Stab wound
  6. Rusted nail
  7. Biting dog
  8. Rotten food
  9. Sunbathing
  10. Burn wound
  11. Accident while cycling
  12. Choking on food


  • Cover all the black icons and have a look at the pictures. Try to find the three different images that link with each other and tell the story of that specific character.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Learn more about how to offer first aid in different situations

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