Draw the Right

Show us your drawing skills! The first group to guess correctly wins a point!

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Ask the players to sit down in groups of four to five and choose a name for their group/team. Explain that in the activity they will compete in teams.


Each group is given one overview poster of the Convention on the Rights of the Child to look at during the game.


From each team, call one player. Give them one of the rights on the overview poster, e.g. "freedom from torture".


Tell them to return to their groups and draw a picture to represent the right while their teammates try to guess what it is. They may only draw pictures; no numbers or words may be used. No speaking is allowed, except to confirm the correct answer. The rest of the team may only say their guesses; they may not ask questions.


The team that guesses first gets a point. The team with the most points at the end wins.


After each round, ask all the players to write on their drawing what the right was, whether they finished it or not, and put the paper aside.


Do a second round; call new people to be the drawer and give them another right.


Do 7 or 8 rounds. In each round, a different person should draw. Try to make sure everyone can draw at least once.


At the end, ask the groups to pin their drawings so that the different interpretations and images of the different rights can be compared and discussed (see additional game information).

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Debriefing and evaluation:  

Start with an evaluation of the activity itself and then discuss what the players know about children's rights.

  • Was it easier or harder than expected to depict children rights?  
  • How did they choose how to depict a particular right? Where did they get the images from?  
  • If they drew violations to illustrate the rights, are those violations likely to occur in their country?  
  • How did the different depictions of the right relate to each other? How many different ways were there to depict and interpret the same concept?
  • After looking at all the images, ask how much - or how little - the players discovered about children's rights.
  • Do they think children's rights are relevant to their own lives? Which ones?

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting children's rights.


  • If you have a small group, you can play as one group; ask one person to draw in the first round, and whoever guesses draws in the next round, and so on.
  • Instead of drawing, you can do the exercise by asking the players to imitate certain rights.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Becoming familiar with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Learning that everyone can have a different interpretation of a right.
  • Becoming aware of children's rights issues during a discussion.

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