Spin'N Share

Spin the wheel and get to know your friends better by sharing in this fun and interactive game!

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu



Étape 1

Make an arrow

Cut out an arrow from a piece of paper or cardboard.


Étape 2

Attach the arrow

Attach the arrow to the printed out game board with a split pin.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather a few players in front of the “Let’s debate”-poster


Choose a player that will first spin the wheel.


All players who want can share something about themselves that fit into the category that the wheel landed on (e.g., if the category is transport, the player can tell how they came to the school)


After everyone has shared, the next player will spin the wheel.


Continue playing until each player has had a turn to spin the wheel.


To make the game more challenging for older players, you can add a rule that the answer must begin with a certain letter. This letter can be chosen with the rota of the alphabet.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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