Compass game

Try to locate a country by using compass points with this creative panel about geography.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Draw a compass on the blackboard or on a piece of paper and put it next to the GEOGRAPHY A2 world map panel.


Explain what a compass is and how it functions and explain the four cardinal directions: north, east, south and west.


Practise the cardinal directions by asking the players to move around, e.g. 'Take a step west'.


The players locate specific countries by using the compass directions. Ask the players, e.g.: 'Which country lies south of the United States?' or 'Where is Mexico located?'


The players place a bottle cap on the answer, in this case: Mexico.


Repeat this process with different countries in different regions.


  • To make it more difficult: The players determine more precise directions (including the four ordinal directions), such as northwest or southeast.
  • Organise a treasure hunt. The players need to use compass directions (or an actual compass) to find the treasure.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Improve spatial orientation.
  • Recognise, understand and learn to use the cardinal directions and their abbreviations.
  • Learn about the location of different countries

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