Fortune Teller

Discover what to do when you feel stressed, angry, sad, overwhelmed or any other difficult emotion.

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Étape 1

Instructions of the paper tool
  • Print the image with the folding instructions for the paper tool so the players know what to do. 
Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather a group of players and explain that today you will be making a paper tool, a fortune teller, to help remember ways to calm down when feeling unwell.


Distribute an A4 paper to each player. Show them the printed instructions so everyone can make their own fortune teller. Support them if they need help. As they prepare, discuss things we can do to calm ourselves down when we feel sad, angry, frustrated, stressed, or overwhelmed (see suggestions in additional game information).


Once the fortune teller is ready, have the players place their fingers (thumbs and index fingers) into the four corners at the bottom of the paper tool. Explain the movements: close the tool by bringing thumbs and index fingers together, then open it by moving thumbs away from index fingers or by softly pulling your left and right hand away from each other. 


The fortune teller has three layers: outer part (4 squares), middle part (eight triangles), and inner part (underneath the triangles).


Now, it's time to decorate our fortune tellers! On the outer part (four squares), put your four favorite numbers from 1 to 9, one number in each square. 


Choose eight colors and use them to draw the eight triangles in the middle section, one color per triangle.


Finally, in the inner section, think of and write eight ways to calm yourself when you feel tough emotions (see suggestions in additional game information). 


Now that the tool is ready, it can help you find a reaction to tough emotions. Place your fingers at the bottom and close the tool.


Choose a number from the four you wrote on the top section and move the tool as many times as the chosen number, using the movements explained earlier.


When you finish moving, you will see four colors. Choose one and look under it to find your "happiness response," a way to deal with the emotion.


Now you have a handy tool to "consult" whenever you need help calming down.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Ways to calm yourself down:
  • Count slowly to 10
  • Take 5 deep breaths in and out
  • Talk to someone I trust
  • Play my favorite toy/game
  • Make a funny face
  • Pretend I am an animal
  • Listen to music
  • Hug yourself
  • Hug someone else (e.g., my mom)
  • Stay still like a statue for 10 seconds
  • Paint or draw something I like
  • Go somewhere quiet/ go to my favorite place
  • Watch my favorite movie/series/video
  • Tell myself something I am good at
  • Stretch my body
  • Do a hula dance
  • Invent a silly walk
  • Squeeze a ball
  • Squeeze my hands
  • Think something funny
  • Eat my favorite snack

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


  1. The players can play with each other's fortune tellers if they are comfortable with it. In this way, the "suggestion for calming down" will be a total surprise for them.
  2. You can also play this game for any other topic you like, for example:
  • conflict resolution/ways of reacting
  • positive affirmations
  • questions for getting to know each other

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Discover and practice various strategies to manage and regulate their emotions
  • Implement different coping strategies when feeling upset

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