Calm Your Brain

Mind retreat: your go-to game for stress relief and sweet dreams

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • A dice
  • The list of the tasks printed (see additional game info)

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather the players and explain that you will discover different ways to calm your brain and yourself when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, confused, or tense by doing mental exercises.


Take a dice. Each number on the dice is linked to one mental exercise from the list.


Let the players roll the dice one by one. 


Experience the exercise corresponding to the number rolled.


When you are finished, roll the dice again.


The game ends when all mental exercises are done. You could conclude with a reflection or ask for input on other exercises and add them to your list.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Mental exercises are activities or practices designed to stimulate cognitive functions, improve mental health, and enhance emotional well-being. These exercises can help reduce stress, increase focus, boost memory, and promote relaxation. They often involve mindfulness techniques, breathing exercises, visualization, positive affirmations, problem-solving tasks, or other activities that engage the mind and promote mental clarity and resilience.

Suggested mental exercises, that should be performed silently: 

  • Name all the objects you see in your mind. 
  • Describe the steps in performing an activity you know how to do well. For example, how to shoot a basketball, prepare your favorite meal, or tie a knot. 
  • Count backwards from 100 by 7 (or any other number). 
  • Pick up an object and describe it in detail. Describe its color, texture, size, weight, scent, and any other qualities you notice. 
  • Spell your full name, and the names of three other people, backwards. 
  • Name all your family members, their ages, and one of their favorite activities. 
  • Read something backwards, letter-by-letter. Practice for at least a few minutes. 
  • Think of an object and “draw” it in your mind, or in the air with your finger. Try drawing your home, a vehicle, or an animal.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

Familiarize yourself with mental exercises

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