Mirror Match

Get ready to swap perspectives, a game where communication and empathy take center stage!

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Printed A4 paper sheets with simple object outline (see JPEG)
  • Blank A4 paper sheets
  • Pencils / pens
  • Timer



Étape 1

Object outlines

Download the A4 paper sheet listed in the materials section or create a document with object outlines yourself. Keep the following recommendations in mind:

  • Use simple object outlines.
  • Use one or two objects per sheet.
  • The images should not be too complicated, as players need to be able to recreate them. However, they should not be too simple either, to ensure the task is adequately challenging.
  • Try to include both portrait and landscape orientations.
  • Place images in the center or in the corners/margins of the sheet, making it challenging to offer/expect this kind of detail.
Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Arrange the players in pairs, sitting back to back on chairs.


Give each Player A a sheet of paper with one of the drawings on it. Player B gets a blank A4 sheet and a pencil.


Player A describes the picture on their sheet as accurately as possible to Player B. Player B remains silent, listens, and tries to draw the described picture.


After 3 minutes, the players turn to each other and compare the pictures they have described and drawn. Encourage them to notice differences, similarities, and details that were highlighted or omitted in the verbal description.


The players then return to their back-to-back positions. This time, Player A is given a blank sheet of paper and Player B a different image to describe.


Facilitate a group discussion focusing on the challenges experienced as both a sender and a receiver of information. Lead the discussion with the following questions:

  • How did it feel to draw something you couldn't see?
  • Were the details given by your partner sufficient?
  • What additional information would you have liked to receive?
  • How would you have described the drawing if you had been in the other position?

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


  • The drawings of round 1 can only be revealed after round 2, so any differences can be seen.
  • It is also interesting in this exercise to have observers (especially if the group is too big or the place is rather small or if you have players coming and going).

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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